PADI Deep Diver Course

PADI Deep Diver Course in Bali: learn to dive deeper safely

Always wanted to check out that wreck at 38 metres depth or increase your chances to spot the sun fish (mola mola) in Bali? Discover the PADI Deep Diver Specialty in Bali. With the PADI Deep Diver Specialty you learn how to dive safely to a maximum of 40 metres and find out the impact diving deep can have on you in a fun way. A great specialty for fun divers, as well as for divemasters and dive instructors.

Depth: maximum 40 metres
Duration: 2 days, 4 dives
Who can join: Minimum certification needed: PADI Adventure Diver Certificate. Minimum age: 15 years old

Do your PADI deep dive specialty in Bali
PADI Deep Diver Course Description
Have fun during your Deep dive specialty in Bali Indonesia

Your PADI Deep Diver training starts by reviewing reasons for deep diving and how important it is to know your personal limits. During 4 deep dives spread out over 2 days, you’ll go over:

  • Specialized deep diving equipment.
  • Deep dive planning, buddy contact procedures and buoyancy control.
  • Managing your gas supply, dealing with gas narcosis and safety considerations.

Before the start of the course you will study the PADI Deep Diver manual.

After finishing the course, you will receive the PADI Deep Diver Specialty certificate, one of the PADI Specialties that will count towards your Master Scuba Diver Rating and can also count as an adventure dive for your PADI Advanced Open Water course.

Like all our courses, these courses are available in multiple languages. Book your PADI Deep Diver course in Bali now!

Also check out our Specialty Junkie Package.

Book Now !

All Prices, Terms & Conditions can change without further notice.

For dive trips only – a minimum of two divers.

label_en ROUND(price_usd * (SELECT exchange_rate FROM jgd_exchangerate WHERE exchange_rate_id = '1') / 10000) * 10000
Deep Diver 5,990,000
label_en price_usd
Deep Diver 370
label_en price_usd * (SELECT exchange_rate FROM jgd_exchangerate WHERE exchange_rate_id = '2')
Deep Diver 333.00

Please note all payments within Indonesia will have to be charged in Indonesian Rupiahs. Therefore the USD and EUR prices are just as an indication. NB. Prices can change without further notice. Our terms and conditions can be found here.


All required PADI course materials

PADI Certification Fee

All scuba equipment

PADI Instructor

Hotel transfer for Sanur area

Lunch, water, snacks & towels

Park and Porter fees

There might be a hotel transfer surcharge outside the Sanur area

If you have any questions, please contact us directly at


Or WhatsApp us at +65 97600300

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