PADI Divemaster

Get more out of your PADI Divemaster course on Bali!

Looking to make a career out of your diving hobby? Your adventure begins with the PADI Divemaster program at Joe’s Gone Diving in Bali. We have two options for you, either our 2-week Divemaster training in which you learn everything you need to know to be a Divemaster. Or our 1-Month Divemaster Internship program in which you will get some extra training including workshops such as Sidemount, Equipment, Photography, Tank Filling and Conservation for free. If you have a lot of time, you could even extend your Divemaster Internship on Bali by 1 month.

During the dive training you learn how to supervise dive activities and how to assist PADI Dive Instructors with their courses. Once you are a certified PADI Divemaster you can guide dives with certified divers, assist with dive courses and independently conduct different PADI programs such as Discover Scuba Diving and Snorkelling, Skin Diver and PADI Reactivate. Anywhere around the world!

New Divers at Joes Gone Diving
Divemaster diving photo

Become a true Dive Professional during your PADI Divemaster course on Bali!

At Joe’s, we are not just focused on meeting the basic PADI requirements of the divemaster course, you will work closely with our experienced PADI Dive Instructors to expand your dive knowledge & skills to a professional level. So that if you decided to continue and become a PADI Dive Instructor, you will already have all the skills in place to get your Instructor Development Course off to a flying start.

You will work with multiple, experienced dive staff and for each specific topic with true professionals in their fields. Wherever possible you will work with real divers and students. That way you get to experience real-life situations and different teaching styles, and decide which one works best for you. At Joe’s Gone Diving we give you the opportunity to get as much hands-on experience as possible during your PADI Divemaster course on Bali.

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That’s why, if you like, you will be part of the running of a dive center while you do the PADI divemaster course on Bali.

As we dive on a wide range of dive sites around the island, you will get to explore the great dive sites Bali has to offer. Not just the ones close by. This way you will gain experience with different types of dive conditions and can develop you diving skills.
What’s more, you are never a number at Joe’s Gone Diving. You will always get the personal attention you need to develop your dive skills and we work with small groups.

Depth: depends on the activity to a maximum of 30 Meters
Duration: 14 days to 1 month for an internship
Who can join:

  • Minimum age: 18 years old
  • Certification: PADI Rescue Diver
  • Completed EFR Primary and Secondary Care training within the past 24 months
  • Have at least 40 dives to begin the course and 60 for certification
  • Medically evaluated and cleared for diving by a physician within the past 12 months
PADI Divemaster Course Description

Overview of your PADI Divemaster course on Bali

The PADI Divemaster course consists of a mix of dive theory, workshops, stamina tests, practical skills assessments and practical experience. At Joe’s we want you to know more and go beyond the standardized divemaster course, as diving nowadays stretches out in different directions. If you take our 1-month divemaster internship, we will give you extra training in Sidemount, Photography, Conservation, Tank filling and Equipment. With those extra components, you will stand out in the professional world and be prepared for whichever needs your future dive customers have. Everything designed to bring your diving skills to the next level while having lots of fun at the same time.

A brief overview of the main elements:
  • Dive theory: physics, physiology and dive equipment
  • Pool sessions: bringing your dive skills to demonstration level
  • Workshops: Discover Scuba Diving, Discover Local Diving, Scuba Review and Skin Diver
  • Assisting with courses: PADI Open Water Courses and continued education courses such as the PADI Advanced Open Water course
  • Assisting with dives: dive site management, briefings, and guiding dives
  • Scenarios: search & recovery and deep
  • Extras: Sidemount try out, Photography workshop, getting involved in Project AWARE conservation activities, learn how to fill tanks, Aqualung equipment workshop.

Besides various pool sessions to fine-tune your diving skills, your course will take you to a variety of dive sites across Bali as we dive on different dive locations every day. As Bali’s dive sites are so diverse, you will get to experience many different dive conditions. Plus make some great dives!

Do your PADI Divemaster in Bali
Save yourself some valuable holiday time with PADI eLearning

Did you know you can already prepare all your dive theory from home with PADI eLearning? This interactive, online program will take you through all the theory, videos and exams at your own pace and time. Your course in Bali will be more relaxed and you won’t have to spend time in the classroom while you are on holiday. Find out more about PADI eLearning and sign up today.

What is included in the PADI Divemaster Course

Course price includes: PADI Divemaster Crewpack with all required PADI materials, rental of all scuba equipment, Team of PADI Instructors, transport, lunch & snacks, towels, park and porter fees and taxes.

The 2020 PADI Membership application fee of $242AUD is directly payable to PADI. The PADI fee is not included in our course price.

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All Prices, Terms & Conditions can change without further notice.

For dive trips only – a minimum of two divers.

label_en ROUND(price_usd * (SELECT exchange_rate FROM jgd_exchangerate WHERE exchange_rate_id = '1') / 10000) * 10000
2 week Divemaster Course 16,040,000
1 Month Divemaster Course 27,050,000
label_en price_usd
2 week Divemaster Course 990
1 Month Divemaster Course 1,670
label_en price_usd * (SELECT exchange_rate FROM jgd_exchangerate WHERE exchange_rate_id = '2')
2 week Divemaster Course 891.00
1 Month Divemaster Course 1,503.00

Please note all payments within Indonesia will have to be charged in Indonesian Rupiahs. Therefore the USD and EUR prices are just as an indication. NB. Prices can change without further notice. Our terms and conditions can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact us directly at


Or WhatsApp us at +65 97600300

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